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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—May 26, 2009 <br /> requirements need to be met in order for the City to obtain the permit to build the <br /> road. The number of rain gardens being constructed is what is necessary to meet <br /> the requirements. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated that she did not agree with the number of rain <br /> gardens being required. She stated that she had talked with Doug Thomas, from <br /> Rice Creek Watershed District, and he had stated that the Rice Creek Watershed <br /> District does not mandate these types of things. She asked if the City had been told <br /> that they were required to have fifteen rain gardens in the locations indicated on the <br /> map. <br /> City Engineer Bloom stated that the storm water that comes off the roads needs to <br /> be treated to a certain threshold and the number of rain gardens is based on a <br /> specific calculation used by the Rice Creek Watershed District. The location of the <br /> rain gardens was not specified just the amount that would be required to meet the <br /> performance standard. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked if there were other options that could be utilized to <br /> meet this requirement. <br /> City Engineer Bloom stated that catch basins do not infiltrate the water. She <br /> clarified that the volume of water that comes off the road and goes into the storm <br /> sewer system needs to be reduced. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated that there were several neighborhoods that did not <br /> have rain gardens. She asked why this particular neighborhood would have fifteen. <br /> City Engineer Bloom stated that the other neighborhoods had been reconstructed <br /> prior to the Rice Creek Watershed District requirements for infiltration. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked if the rain gardens were part of the agreement <br /> being presented. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga stated that the location of the rain gardens was based on those <br /> residents that had expressed interested in rain gardens. Educational materials were <br /> provided at each of the meetings pertaining to what a rain garden is and how to <br /> maintain a rain garden. The residents are asked to maintain the rain gardens in front <br /> of their homes. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked if the resident had not expressed interest in the rain <br /> garden what would happen. <br />