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<br />Proposed 2010 LJFD Operating Bud~ 7/10/2009 <br />~ FULL TIME STAFF COMPENSATION 2010 2009 % <br />line Totals Totals Change <br />1 Fire Chief $ 94,767.00 $ 92,007.00 3.00% <br />2 Assistant Fire Chief $ 75,000.00 $ 37.500.00 100.00% <br />3 Officer Manager $ 50,850.00 $ 49,369.00 3.00% <br />4 Rre Marshal $ 59,932.00 $ 58,186.00 3.00% <br /> Total Fulltime Salaries $ 280,549.00 $ 237,062.00 18.34% <br />5 Medicare ( 1.45%) $ 4,068.00 $ 3,437.00 18.36% <br />6 Social Security (6.2% ) $ 3~ 153.00 $ 3,060.00 3.04% <br />7 State Unemployment ( .47% ) $ 1y319.00 $ 1,114.00 18.40% <br />8 Long-term disability: Chiet Asst. Chief, FM $ 741.00 $ 741.00 0.00% <br />9 PERA: P&F 14.1% $ 32,387.00 $ 26,464.00 22.38% 2010 Coordinated Plan increase 7% <br />10 PERk Coordinated Plan 7% $ 3,560.00 $ 3,332.00 6.84% <br />11 Health Insurance $ 30,000.00 $ 22~425.00 33.78% Health insurance =$625 per month per <br /> Total of taxes & benefits $ 75,228.00 $ 60,573.00 24.19% employee <br /> WEEKDA Y DUTY CREW <br />line <br />1 4/shift*9 shifts*5days*52 weeks=9360 *$13.15 $ 123,084.00 $ 119,527.00 2.98% <br />2 Medicare (1.45%.) $ 1,784.72 $ 1,733.14 2.98% <br />3 Social Security ( 6.2 % ) $ 7,631.21 $ 7,410.67 2.98% <br />4 State Unemployment ( .47 % ) $ 578.49 $ 561.78 2.98% <br /> Totals Weekday Duty Crew $ 133.078.42 $ 129,232.59 2.98% <br /> WEEKEND DUTY CREW <br />line <br />1 Friday 5pm -1am. 6FF's*8hrs*$10*39= $ 18.720.00 $ 0.00% <br />2 Saturday 5pm-1 am. 6FF's*8hrs*$10*39= $ 18,720.00 $ 0.00% <br />3 Sunday 7am-5pm. 6FF's*10h,.s*10*52= $ $ 0.00% <br />4 Medicare (1.45%) $ 542.88 $ 0.00% <br />5 Social Security (6.2%) $ 2,321.28 $ 0.00% <br />6 State Unemployment (.47%) $ 175.97 $ 0.00% <br /> Totals Weekend Duty Crew $ 40.480.13 $ 100.00% <br />I PART TIME STAFF COMPENSATION 2010 2009 % <br />tine Totals Totals Change Fire calls <br />1 Fire Run Compensation $ 104,880.00 $ 130,295.00 -19.51% $16/caH x 7050 FF calls <br />2 Drift Compensation $ 20,500.00 $ 20,500.06 0.00% 470 caRs. 15 FF's per call <br />3 Public Fire Education $ 3,790.00 $ 3,790.00 0.00% <br />4 Hose Testing $ 2,664.00 $ 2,664.00 0.00% Drin <br />5 Deputy Chief $ 5.752.00 $ 5,752.00 0.00% $161driH x 1281 FF drills <br />6 District Chiefs @ $2900 $ 11,600.00 $ 13,600.00 -14.71% <br />7 Captains - 2 per station @ $900 ea. $ 7]t200.00 $ 5,840.00 23.29% Pubed <br />8 Lieutenants - Optional - 1/Station @ $600 $ 2,400.00 $ 1.720.00 39.53% $ 16/event x 237 FFevents <br />9 Engineers 4 per Station @ $450 $ 7,200.00 $ 6.880_00 4.65% <br />10 Fire Inspector $ 1,340.00 $ 17300.00 3.08% Hose testing pay paid $12-40 per hr <br />11 T echnicaJ Support $ 1,700.00 $ 1,600.00 6.25% <br />12 Board of Directors, 3 @ $500 ea. $ 1,545.00 $ 1,545.00 0.00% <br /> Total Part time Staff Compensation $ 170,571.00 $ 195,486.00 -12.75% <br />13 Medicare (1.45%) $ 2,473.28 $ 2,834.55 -12.75Ok <br />14 Soda' Security (6.2%) $ 10,575.40 $ 12,120.13 -12.75% <br />15 State Unemployment (.47%) $ 801.68 $ 918.78 -12.75% <br /> Part Time Employer Taxes Totals $ 13,850.37 $ 15,873.46 -12.75% <br /> TotalFT& PT Staff Compensation $ 713,756.91 $ 638,227.05 11.83% <br /> <br />Page 4 of 8 <br /> <br />PI'3n Q <br />