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<br /> <br />Subd. 11 <br /> <br /> <br />Equipll1ent, used for transll1itting 8.11d/ or reoci\Ting telecoffiil111nioation, tele'f/ision or <br />radio ~~ign.als, "ly"vh.ich i~~ located. 011 the exterior, or outside, of any' 'buildil1g or stru.cture. <br /> <br />811 J <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Subd. 12 <br /> <br />B I)ic'h A ntennu. A pUf'lbo"Jic sh'lped 'lntenn"i (includinu all s'upportillg "ippuratu<;) H1hioh <br />." .. .,,-".. J. ),.. .. .. .. . J. ),.. . .... ".. . . ... . ... .. . .. .1.. . . ... . . '0 .., ...... . ..... . . "- yy . . .. .. <br /> <br /> <br />is used. for tranG:mittitlg or receiving telecOmnl1111ication, tele'(y7i~~io'n or radio sig:nals, \~Vllich <br />is located on the exterior, or outside, of any' building or struotllre. <br /> <br />1.C:la~~s I: Di~~h i\.ntenna un.der thirt)T (30) in.ches or more ill <br />diameter; six (6) feet in sllrface area; or six: (6) feet in lleight. <br /> <br />2.Class II: Dish .LA~'ntenlla thirty (30) inclles or lTIOre in <br />diull1eter; silt (6) squaro foet or nlore in surfaoe area; or siJe (6) <br />feet or more in height. <br /> <br />..L12_~LJl2..~"I'o';ler: .l.\.n.y pole, spire or struotllre, or un)T com.billutioll th.ereof, to 'vyVhicll an. <br />antenna is attach.ed., or "\Vllich. is designed for an antenna to 'be attached, al1d. all ~1u.J)I)Orting <br />lines, cables, ,vires alld braces; including but not linlited to a free standing radio <br />(including hanI radio an.d private radio tran.~~m.i.tting) or television receivillg antell.l1a, U <br />windll1ill, and a ',.vind pov/ered generator. <br /> <br />AntennaSfi, Satellite Dish Antennas and Towers. <br /> <br /> <br />A. <br /> <br /> <br />B. <br /> <br /> <br />stan.dards au(l setbac.k rcqu.ircrn.cnts: <br />