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<br />E. Antennas and towers shall be located on sites or buildings in <br />areas that are the least obtruGi'lle visuaflv intrusive to nearby <br />properties and public streets. <br /> or to'\vers ::ihull 'be located only' 011 site~~ COlltail1ing an. <br />allo~l/able principal use. <br />F. Antennas, dish antennas or towers shall not be allowed: <br /> <br />1. Nearer the street than the principal building on the lot. <br /> <br />2. Nearer the side or rear lot lines than the minimum side or <br />rear yard setbacks for accessory uses as established in Section <br />1320.06 of this Code. <br /> <br />3. Nearer to an adjoining property's buildable area than to the <br />principal building on the site on which the antenna or tower <br />will be placed. <br /> <br />4. Nearer to any property line than the height of the antenna <br />or tower. <br /> <br />Sllbd. 4Nunlber of ./\.11tennas or T(Tv/ers. <br /> <br />/\..In. all re~;idential districts, no In.ore than. OI1e (1) exempted anteI1na and 110 <br />nl0re than OI1e (1) antenl1a requiriI1g a conditiorlal use permit sllall be allo~y"\"/ed <br />on one (1) lot or parcel. <br /> <br />B.On C:it)T \tvater to\vers, the n'unlber of antennas POIT11itted on the structure <br />and gro'und ,v-ill be d.eteI1nin.ed by' tIle requirem.ents outlin.ed in Section <br />1320.06 of the Zorling Code arld. is stru.ctura.lly allo\yuble. <br /> <br />Subd. 7 Screening. RC1.'iscd tlu(~' 9, 2008. <br /> <br />A. l)isb. i\..n.tennas. Screening shall be provided so as to prevent <br />direct view of a dish antenna from any street or from a public or <br />private property within six hundred (600) feet of the dish, as <br />follows: <br /> <br />1. Ground Mounted Dishes. Screening for ground mounted <br />dishes shall consist of a fence, wall, earth berm or landscaping, <br />or a combination of these devices. <br /> <br />2. Roof or Wall Mounted Dishes. Screening for roof- or wall- <br />mounted dishes shall be in accordance with Section 1325.05 <br />Subd 4 <br />