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MR-DEN HILLS CITY COL7NCIL WORK SESSION-JULY 15, 2009 4 <br /> Mr. Legare explained that the GSA cannot work the City's desires into the IFB. <br /> There is no such designation as a "community friendly" IFB. <br /> Councilmember Holmes questioned if the GSA has dealt with a similar property <br /> transfer requiring cleanup after the transfer and how this was handled. <br /> Mr. Legare explained a property in Strafford, Connecticut was transferred with the <br /> Buyer responsible for executing a permit with the State of Connecticut to ensure <br /> the cleanup was complete. He noted that the State of Connecticut was then <br /> overseeing the cleanup to assure it reached the necessary specifications. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked what would happen if the Buyer went out of <br /> business or defaulted on the cleanup, or if the bond didn't cover the entire cleanup. <br /> Mr. Legare explained that this was a slight risk but that the performance bond <br /> could be used to complete the clean up on the property or that it could be <br /> transferred back to the Army. <br /> Councilmember Holmes suggested that a performance bond be required with the <br /> transfer of this property to assure that the cleanup was completed. <br /> Mr. Legare stated the GSA did need to back the promise to cleanup the site and <br /> that the performance bond could assist with this. <br /> Councilmember Grant questioned if a portion of the site could be sold off as <br /> residential within the bid or if some compromise could be reached. <br /> Mr. Legare stated the GSA was selling the TCAAP site as an industrial piece of <br /> land. He indicated the bids were not usually loaded up with requirements that <br /> would restrict the bidding. <br /> Councilmember Holden expressed concern regarding the access to TCAAP. She <br /> noted that the primer-tracer area was landlocked with a park on one side, the <br /> National Guard to the east and north, and the wildlife corridor to the south. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned if the bidders would be notified of the limited <br /> access to the property. <br /> Mayor Harpstead indicated that MnDOT was trying to close the curb cuts on <br /> Highway 10 and that the access on County Road H was three legged without access <br />