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AR-DEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION-JULY 15, 2009 9 <br /> Mr. Legare explained that based on the feedback gathered at the conference, the <br /> GSA would hope to have someone out on the property completing borings and <br /> meeting with the City. After that, a second bidders' conference may be held in late <br /> winter if necessary <br /> Further discussion ensued regarding the vapor intrusion and how new State <br /> regulations would affect this site. <br /> Mayor Harpstead asked what would happen after the second bidders' conference. <br /> Mr. Legare stated if enough information were gathered the online auction would <br /> then be started. <br /> Councilmember McClung questioned how the online auction worked. <br /> Mr. Legare described how the auction would work with a registration deposit, a <br /> minimum bid with the auction lasting 45-60 days. He explained all permits and <br /> bonds would be applied for prior to the auction. The GSA would set requirements <br /> for qualified bidders. <br /> Mayor Harpstead asked how the City could guarantee that the proper criteria and <br /> financial assurances were in place before a bid was awarded on this property. <br /> Mr. Legare stated this would be written into the bidding process timeline, while <br /> allowing the Buyer 180 days to secure the proper permits and bonding to proceed <br /> with this purchase. <br /> Councilmember Grant indicated the City would be able to have a dialogue with <br /> potential Buyer's throughout the entire process. <br /> City Administrator Moorse indicated the City would like a clear security <br /> arrangement that is going to assure that the cleanup is completed. City <br /> Administrator Moorse suggested the GSA and Army further discuss a <br /> performance bond that equals 100% of the cleanup cost. <br /> Councilmember Grant questioned if the Buyer's would be prequalified and if the <br /> City would be a part of this process. <br /> Mr. Legare stated he would like to hear ideas from the City on this process but <br /> that this would be left to the Army and GSA. <br />