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ARDEN HILLS CITY COiJNCIL TCAAP WORK SESSION-JULY 13, 2009 5 <br /> along with the need for a bidder to provide funding for any infrastructure needs <br /> they may have. <br /> Councilmember Holden expressed concern that the Army-GSA has not supplied <br /> the City with examples of invitations for bid. She indicated she would like to see <br /> this process remain community friendly and that they would have to do a lot of <br /> convincing to see what they have done positively for other communities. <br /> Further discussion ensued regarding the land cost with respect to the potential site <br /> specific cleanup costs to the industrial standards. <br /> Mayor Harpstead expressed concern on the City's role through the bidder's <br /> conference process. He stated he would like to see the City address the <br /> transportation and access concerns along with the infrastructure to support the use. <br /> Mayor Harpstead felt the buildings on this site should be removed as well. <br /> Mayor Harpstead questioned who would be working the agenda at the meeting on <br /> Wednesday. <br /> Councilmember Holden felt the Army-GSA should take the lead. <br /> Mayor Harpstead indicated he felt it was a mutual meeting. <br /> Attorney Comodeco suggested the Army-GSA's agenda be combined with the <br /> City and that this be run through the City Administrator's office. <br /> City Administrator Moorse questioned what key items should be on the agenda <br /> for discussion at Wednesdays meeting. He suggested the public auction process <br /> and timeline be discussed along with the role the City can play. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated she would like to discuss how a public auction has <br /> helped other communities through the sale of land. <br /> Attorney Comodeco indicated the resolution for special legislation should be <br /> brought to their attention. <br /> City Administrator Moorse indicated the City should lay out for the Army-GSA <br /> the wants of the City for the site with respect to the special legislation. He <br />