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List any Civic, Professional, and Community Activity involvement. <br />Volunteer at City of Arden Hills (Communications Committee); Unity Christ Church (member <br />of Board of Trustees 2006-2009, assistant treasurer 1 yr, treasurer 2 years; currently member of <br />Finance Committee); Augsburg College (Masters student mentor). <br />Why do you want to be on a committee? <br />First, I think that I can make a useful contribution to the committee's work. Second, I see this as <br />an opportunity for me to learn about the financial concerns and challenges of governmental <br />organizations. And third, but not least, I care about my city and want to contribute to its <br />continued strength. <br />What skills, strengths, or abilities do you believe you will add to the committee? <br />I believe that I bring useful, practical experience to this committee's work. My experience as <br />church treasurer taught me a lot about budgeting and financial decision -making in a non-profit <br />organization. One of my final accomplishments as a board member was to create the charter for <br />a financial committee for the church. My successor has now used that charter to successfully <br />recruit for and create the finance committee. My professional experience as a project manager <br />taught me about making budgets and project plans. Because most of my projects created <br />technology/human systems that had to be sustainable over many years, I learned how to <br />organizing things for the long run. My measure of a job well done was that, when the initial <br />project was completed and I was moved on to the next project, the system that remained operated <br />like a well-oiled machine: procedures were clear, training was available as turnover occurred, <br />checks and balances were in place to ensure system integrity, and documentation was available <br />to support current activities and to assist in the future when things needed to be modified to meet <br />changing marketplace needs. <br />List any additional comments. <br />I plan to continue my membership on the city's Communications Committee; this would <br />supplement that, not replace it. <br />References. <br />1. Rev. Pat Williamson Unity Christ Church, 4000 Golden Valley Road, Golden Valley MN <br />763-521-4793 <br />2. Dr. Norma Noonan Augsburg College, Minneapolis <br />Please return this form along with a letter of interest and your current resume to: <br />City of Arden Hills <br />1245 West Highway 96 <br />Arden Hills, MN 55112 <br />Attn: Becky Brazys, Deputy Clerk <br />Phone: 651.792.7800 <br />Fax: 651.634.5137 <br />City Committee Application Form Page 2 of 2 <br />