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Draft Decision Timeline: <br />The decision timeline includes for reuse plans. Assuming the public sale process continues to <br />move forward, the City would be best served by having any changes to the Comprehensive Plan <br />approved before the start of the public auction. Ideally, the zoning, design, and performance <br />standards would also be in place. Having these standards in place prior to the sale helps reduce <br />the concern over development rights by a new property owner. <br />The decision timeline is dependant on a number of factors. Modifying the land uses from the <br />Comprehensive Plan will require a comprehensive plan amendment from the Metropolitan <br />Council. The below timeline includes very optimistic Comp Plan amendment and rezoning <br />timelines. The Metropolitan Council could require additional time for review. <br />• September/October 2009 <br />o Reuse Plan 1: Public Sale Process <br />■ Retain land uses from 2030 Comp Plan or follow Reuse Plan 3? <br />■ Modify land uses — <br />• What assumptions? (i.e. no City public financing, <br />transportation access limitations) <br />• Goals <br />• Reconfigure land use areas, more park area (still possibility for <br />regional park)? <br />• Reduce development area? <br />• What information is needed to determine basic land use areas? <br />o Reuse Plan 2: Special Legislation for Regional Park Process <br />■ Continue discussion with Ramsey County for property transfer <br />■ Comprehensive Plan amendment for regional park <br />■ Possible land uses for 53 acre redevelopment area? <br />o Bidders' Conference (planned by GSA but the timing seems difficult)? <br />■ Prepare letter from City for potential bidders. Review process, <br />constraints, wildlife corridor, transportation concerns, land use, etc. <br />o Other Topics: <br />■ Special TIF legislation <br />■ Environmental data summary <br />■ Green energy production? Zone for renewable energy production? <br />■ Planning grants <br />• November 2009 <br />o Reuse Plan 1 /3 : Public Sale Process <br />■ Review land use scenarios for Comp Plan modification. <br />o Reuse Plan 2: Special Legislation for Regional Park Process <br />■ Ramsey County Board meeting results <br />■ Review land use scenarios for regional park and 53 acre redevelopment <br />area. <br />■ Metropolitan Council: Role of Regional Parks <br />9/10/2009 9 <br />