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Comprehensive Plan Amendment Review Timeline <br />Estimated time from start to finish: 90 to 180 days (could be reduced if the external review is <br />completed sooner than 60 days). The process for rezoning could start before the Metropolitan <br />Council review, though the new district could not be implemented until the Comprehensive Plan <br />is approved. <br />• City prepares Comp Plan amendment <br />• Planning Commission review — public hearing <br />• City Council review <br />o Can include another public hearing <br />o Requires 4/5 vote for approval <br />• External Review - Provide 60 days to adjacent communities, school district, and RCWD <br />for review <br />• Metropolitan Council review <br />o 15 days to determine completeness <br />o Provide 60 to 120 days for Met Council Review <br />o Final acceptance from the City <br />• City Council accepts Comp Plan amendment <br />Rezoning and Design Standards Timeline <br />Estimated time from start to finish: 60 to 120 days (this entirely depends on how much time it <br />takes to prepare the new/modified zone and design standards). This could be started while the <br />Comprehensive Plan amendment is being reviewed. <br />• City prepares zoning, design, and performance standards <br />• Planning Commission review — public hearing <br />• City Council review <br />o Could include additional public testimony <br />o Requires 4/5 vote for approval <br />• Goes into affect the day after publication <br />9/10/2009 11 <br />