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Reuse Plan 1 — Existing 2030 Comprehensive Plan Implementation <br />Background <br />Based on Metropolitan Council forecasts, the 2030 Comprehensive Plan provides for an <br />additional 3,300 residents, 1,700 households, and 4,600 jobs. Additionally, the Metropolitan <br />Council has set a goal of 288 new affordable housing units. Virtually all of this growth was <br />anticipated to occur on the TCAAP property. If the area available for development was reduced <br />via a Comprehensive Plan amendment, the population, household (including affordable housing <br />goals), and employment forecast would be adjusted. <br />The 2030 Comprehensive Plan divides the TCAAP property into four land use categories: <br />• Mixed Residential — provides for a variety of housing types and densities in close <br />proximity, including single-family detached homes, single -attached homes, <br />condominiums, townhomes, apartments, and senior housing options. The anticipated <br />average density is 10.4 units per acre with a minimum average density of six units per <br />acre up to a maximum density of 46 units per acre. This land use is designated for the <br />proposed TCAAP redevelopment, and the density is subject to change once a final land <br />use plan is selected. <br />Mixed Business — areas designated for a variety of businesses, including commercial, <br />certain light industrial uses, warehousing, office, general business, retail. This <br />designation will be used for the future business uses on the TCAAP property. <br />Parks and Open Space — areas designated as public parks. <br />Park Preserve — areas designated as natural or scenic areas that are to be preserved for <br />public use or open space. <br />The Parks and Open Space land use includes the former primer -trace area. The Park Preserves <br />includes the 49 acre wildlife corridor. The Mixed Business land use includes the western half of <br />the TCAAP property while the Mixed Residential includes the eastern half. <br />Primary Implementation Steps <br />The future land use categories for the Comprehensive Plan need be further detailed into the <br />actual zoning districts. There could be one or more zoning districts for each future land use <br />category depending on the type and quantity of housing desired. Implementation steps include: <br />• Create Zoning Districts to accommodate the 2030 Comprehensive Plan: <br />o Mixed Housing <br />• Site standards (i.e. setbacks, coverage, height) <br />• Land uses <br />• Density (nothing less than three du/acre and an average of six du/acre <br />required) <br />o Mixed Business <br />• Site standards (i.e. setbacks, coverage, height) <br />• Land uses <br />• Density <br />9/10/2009 <br />