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02-24-09 PTRC
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PTRC Minutes/Packets/(1968 to 2009)
02-24-09 PTRC
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PTRC Packet
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i <br /> PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> January 13, 2009 <br /> Page 2 of 6 <br /> 5. VALENTINE PARK DRAINAGE REPORT--Richard Hibbard and Todd <br /> Hubmer from WSB & Associates Inc. <br /> Ms. Olson explained the City Council directed staff to complete a drainage study for Valentine <br /> Park to further understand the issues surrounding the drainage in this neighborhood. She <br /> indicated WSB completed the drainage study and that Todd Hubmer was present to review the <br /> information with the committee. <br /> Mr. Hubmer presented the PTRC with background information on Valentine Park along with the <br /> current drainage report. He reviewed the existing storm sewer system and explained how current <br /> water flowed, indicating there is very little treatment to the water at this time before flowing into <br /> the lake. <br /> Mr. Hubmer stated there are a number of issues with Valentine Park at this time. He indicated <br /> the drainage ditch to the southwest corner was not adequate to handle the water flow and the <br /> ground elevation of the park was close to the normal water elevation and flood elevation of <br /> Valentine Lake. Mr. Hubmer stated there was not good drainage out of the system which was <br /> leaving water ponded in the park. <br /> Mr. Hubmer explained the parking lot was in poor condition due to the standing water and high <br /> water level. He indicated the amenities within the park are underutilized because they can't be <br /> used on a regular basis. Mr. Hubmer shared several photos with standing water throughout the <br /> park. He explained there was not enough elevation within the park to allow the water to drain to <br /> Valentine Lake. <br /> Councilmember Holmes questioned if valentine Park was supposed to be an overflow location <br /> for Valentine Lake. Mr. Hubmer indicated he reviewed floodplain documents and stated <br /> Valentine Park is not part of the lakes floodplain. <br /> Mr. Hubmer stated a public meeting was held on December 11, 2008 with eight or nine residents <br /> present for discussion regarding the park issues. He explained the residents were in favor of <br /> keeping the current ballfield as the greenspace was valued. Mr. Hubmer noted the play structure <br /> was due to be replaced in the near future. He added that the skating could be eliminated as well. <br /> Mr. Hubmer indicated the residents were in favor of the outdoor bathroom being enhanced or <br /> enclosed as well as adding a picnic shelter area for people to gather out of the sun. <br /> Mr. Hubmer then reviewed three Valentine Park options with the Committee. He stated <br /> additional information and exact park configurations will need to be decided before a final <br /> decision could be made, but that this would provide guidance for the design process. <br /> Mr. Hubmer stated the first thing that would need to be done would be to raise the grade of the <br /> park and provide proper drainage to allow the park to be used on a consistent basis while <br /> relocating the parking lot. He reviewed a revised layout of the park with its components for <br /> better form and function. Mr. Hubmer estimated Option I to cost roughly$208,000-260,000. <br />
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