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PARKS,TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> February 24, 2009 <br /> Page 2 of 8 <br /> was forwarded to Council where the report was accepted and made the official report for the <br /> corridor. <br /> Ms. Olson stated the Council further discussed how this item would proceed and approved <br /> engineering fees to cover the design of the bridge and working with CP Rail. She explained the <br /> Council would like additional PTRC input on the trail placement and design to allover the bridge <br /> to be completed yet this year. <br /> Chair Peck indicated that the goal of tonight's discussion would be to come to an agreement on <br /> the trail placement that would then be recommended to Council. He explained that the Council <br /> was looking for a recommendation for this item to move forward and be designed based on this <br /> recommendation. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga explained that Council has authorized Bolten & Menk to work on the final <br /> design of the bridge. She indicated the next step in this process would be to survey the area, <br /> which could be completed once the snow melts, along with passing along the plans to CP Rail <br /> for their review and comment. <br /> Ms. Hilgers questioned if the bridge construction was the same expense whether the trail was on <br /> the east or west side of the corridor. Ms. Olson reviewed the expense information within the CP <br /> Rail report. <br /> The Committee reviewed the trail map and discussed the potential trail location in depth and <br /> detail. <br /> Mr. Baumann stated that he would be in favor of placing the trail on the east side of the corridor <br /> based on the fact there were fewer intersections for the pedestrians to cross. He added that the <br /> trail would be aesthetically more pleasing on the east side due to the fact pedestrians would be <br /> walking closer to the lake. <br /> Mr. Jones was in agreement stating the large number of driveways that would need to be crossed <br /> on the west side would be a hazard to both pedestrians and bikers. <br /> Chair Peck stated his preference thus far has been the west side. He explained the west side <br /> would provide access to more Arden Dills residents but that there were several steep driveways <br /> s <br /> that would need to be addressed to soften the grade. <br /> Chair Peck indicated a resident expressed concern to him that this underpass would bring more <br /> traffic into an already congested area and create a bigger problem. While he didn't entirely agree <br /> with this statement, safe passage under the bridge would benefit all users of the trail. <br /> Chair Peck explained that he walked the trail on the east side against traffic and stated the heavy <br /> level of traffic entering Bethel was a detriment. He indicated the west side would serve the <br /> residents more conveniently than if placed on the east. <br />