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PARKS, TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> April 21, 2009 <br /> Page 2 of 8 <br /> Ms. Olson noted the primary reason for flooding within the park was due to the elevations of <br /> Lake Valentine. Mr. Messerly indicated the culvert from the lake causes much of the concern. <br /> Ms. Olson explained the proposed option raising the elevation of the park would address this <br /> issue, along with cleaning and maintenance of the culverts. She noted the engineers have drafted <br /> a letter to Rice Creek Watershed requesting the culverts be cleaned. <br /> Ms. Olson indicated that the Committee and the surrounding residents have stated that they <br /> would like to maintain Valentine Park as a park but that at this time, it was in poor repair. She <br /> stated the option of raising the elevation with added ponding would address the flood concerns. <br /> Ms. Olson added however, that this was the most expensive option. <br /> Ms. Garretson questioned if the neighboring properties would have water issues if the park were <br /> elevated. She indicated she would like to see the park revamped to improve the use for the <br /> residents surrounding the park. Ms. Olson stated the engineers stand by their study and that they <br /> have indicated that no additional water would run off to neighboring properties. <br /> A member questioned if there was funding set aside for Valentine Park. He suggested that this <br /> park be phased out over a number of years to allow the drainage and elevation to be addressed <br /> properly. <br /> Council Liaison Holmes stated Valentine Park was on the CIP plan. Ms. Olson added that if the <br /> work was completed in conjunction with the PMP, slated for 2016-17, there would be additional <br /> cost savings or that it could be done in stages. She indicated the play structure was due for <br /> replacement in 2010. <br /> Chair Peck questioned what the savings would be if the park was done along with the PMP. Ms. <br /> Olson stated she would have to review this with the City Engineer and report back on the <br /> numbers. <br /> Chair Peck asked what recommendation the Council was looking for at this time. Council <br /> Liaison Holmes stated the configuration and solution to the drainage problems were priorities <br /> along with the expense. She noted the park at this time was of little use and needed some action <br /> taken to revive Valentine Park. <br /> Council Liaison Holmes questioned if the Committee had a consensus on the direction of the <br /> park. Ms. Olson stated the residents that attended the public meeting were not in favor of <br /> creating a passive park. Mr. Messerly suggested the Committee meet at Valentine Park to <br /> further discuss the options and future of this park. He suggested that no improvements be made <br /> to the park until the drainage issues were addressed. <br />