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09-22-09 PTRC
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PTRC Minutes/Packets/(1968 to 2009)
09-22-09 PTRC
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PTRC Packet
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PARKS,TRAILS AND RECREATION COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES <br /> June 16, 2009 <br /> Page 2of6 <br /> Ms. Olson stated the culvert and drainage were the only concerns at this time. She explained that <br /> h p <br /> the City had until November 13t to complete the plans and specs. Ms. Olson indicated that the <br /> only items not funded were the permitting/engineering expenses for the project. <br /> Ms. Olson stated Bethel University and Boston Scientific have been approached to see if they <br /> would be interested in contributing to this project. She indicated Boston Scientific did want to <br /> give$10,000 to the program, which will assist with the engineering expenses. <br /> Ms. Olson noted Bethel would be interested in further discussing the CP Rail corridor and that <br /> this would be further discussed with Bruce Kunkel. She added that Ramsey �'Count has <br /> committed to giving the City $15,000. Ms. Olson indicated the construction was tentatively <br /> scheduled to begin in the spring of 2010. <br /> 2. County Road E Bridge <br /> Ms. Olson reviewed the latest information on the County Road E Bridge with the Committee. <br /> She indicated a feasibility study was completed in 2004 for this project including a pathway on <br /> the north or south side of the bridge. Ms. Olson stated at that time the Council agreed to add - <br /> cantilevers to the bridge for pedestrian traffic, which has since been denied by Mn.DOT. <br /> Ms. Olson indicated a new option would be to shift the current traffic lanes to allow for a small <br /> path on one side, using the existing bridge. MnDOT completed a structural analysis on this <br /> proposal and were in favor of this option. She explained that an application was also completed. <br /> on Monday for a stand alone pedestrian bridge with a connecting trail to Old Snelling. Ms. <br /> Olson stated the City requested $1,S 3 0,000 and would hope to hear back on the ant in January <br /> y <br /> of 2010. <br /> Further discussion ensued regarding the location of the pedestrian bridge and it was clarified that <br /> the pedestrian bridge would be built on the north side of Count Road E. Ms. Olson explained <br /> y p <br /> that if the pedestrian bridge application were to be approved construction would not begin to <br /> 2013-2014. <br /> B. Valentine Park Drainage Discussion <br /> Ms. Olson introduced the staff present for the Valentine Park drainage discussion to the <br /> Committee. She explained that she spoke with Doug Thomas at Rice Creek watershed <br /> regarding the culverts. He felt the roadway authorities should be responsible for the culverts. <br /> Terry Noonan, Ramsey County introduced himself to the group and further explained the work <br /> he did for the County. He explained the culverts have been an g <br /> on oin maintenance issue and is <br /> ongoing <br /> the natural outlet for the lake. Mr. Noonan stated there was some flow through the culverts when <br /> they were inspected a week ago, but that the beavers were already rebuilding their dam. It was <br /> g <br />
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