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. � <br />4. Buyer a,gr�es to pay to a vvithdrawal fee of $857.� 1 to the State o� Minnesota based on 6.5% of the <br />agreed to purchase price. At �he C�os�ng Date Buyer wi�l execute a check rnade out for th�s amount, payab�e <br />to ihe Board of �ater and Soi1 R.esaurces. <br />5. The closing of the purchase and sale sha�l occur on or befare Septe�x�ber 30, 20�9 tClosing Date} at <br />City of Rosevi�l�. The Closing l�ate and location m.ay be changed by �vritten eonsent of bath par�ies. Upon <br />pa�n�.ent of the balance af �he purchase price, Sel�er will sign a fully execu�ed Ap�licatian for Withdrawai of <br />the Credits in the form specif ed B�SR, provide a copy of the Application for VtTithdrawal �o the Buyer and <br />forward fihe same to the BWSR. along with the check for ��.e w�thdravcral fee. <br />5. Bu�rer has app��ed or wi�l apply to Ri.ce Creek Watershed I�istrict for approval of a replaceinent plan <br />utilizing �he Credits as fihe means of replacing �xnpacted wetlands. If the LGLT has not approved the Buyer's <br />applicatian foz a replacemen� plan, sa��sfactory �o Buyer �n Buyer's sole discretion, utilizing �he Credits by <br />the Clos�ng Date, and no pos�ponement o� the Closing Date has been agreed �o by $uyer and Seller �n <br />writ�ng, then Buyer may cancel tk�is Agreexnent by giv�ng �ritten not�ce to Se11er. In this case, Se��er shal� <br />return Bu�er's earnest rx�oney, and neither Buy�r nor S+eller s�al� have any fur�her obligations under this <br />Agreen�ent. If the L�U has approved the replacement plan ar�d �he Seller is ready to proceed vvi�h the sale <br />on the Closing Date, but Buyer �ails to praceed, then the Se11er n�ay retain the earnest xnoney as liquidated <br />danr�ages. <br />7. Confidentxa�xfiy. Buyer and Seller agree nat to directly or indirectly use, disser�.znate oar disclase <br />any of the terms of th�s A.greenr�ent, and in partxcu�ar �he f�nancza� terms of this A�greement, to any entity or <br />individual priar to the Date of Clasing, except �o their attorneys, financial advisors, directors, of�cers, <br />ena�ployees, members, governors, managers, par�ners, prospective �nvesfiors, prospect�ve �enders or o�her <br />agents or except as requ�red by court order or law. <br />�� <br />�P�f�� � � o <br />ave Nevcrman (Date) <br />Restoration l�evelopment LLC <br />( of Buyer� �Da�e) <br />Page 2 of 2 <br />BWSR Form: revised for Restoratiion Devlopment,doc <br />Revised <br />