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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION-JULY 22, 2009 11 <br /> City Administrator Moorse noted that the City would be in contact with the GSA <br /> every two weeks. <br /> Mayor Harpstead added that the Council should begin considering who would be = <br /> in attendance at the bidders' conference, beyond the Army, GSA and City of Arden <br /> Hills. <br /> Councilmember Grant questioned if the City should begin opening discussions <br /> with Carmen Netten. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated she would be present to speak for the PCA or AG <br /> office on the resource damage to the site. <br /> Mayor Harpstead suggested staff speak with Carmen and ask if there was an <br /> interaction that would be appropriate on the covenant deferral request. He <br /> indicated the relationships would need to be maintained throughout the entire <br /> public sale process. <br /> Councilmember Holden requested that the Council review a City fee schedule to <br /> look at water hookup fees and discuss if there was a requirement to bury electrical <br /> lines. <br /> Community Development Director Lehnhoff stated that this could likely be <br /> reviewed and addressed within the City code and enforced through design <br /> standards. <br /> Mayor Harpstead suggested staff meet as a group and discuss the criteria that <br /> were important, such as sewer issues, clean water and any other issues. He added <br /> that the master development agreement be reviewed as it had many comments from <br /> the Council on the design standards. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding a future conversation that would need to be held <br /> about affordable housing within the future TCAAP development. <br /> It was the consensus of the City Council to direct staff to begin working the above <br /> mentioned tasks for Plan B and report back to Council. <br /> B. Services Provided by Mike Comodeca <br />