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This section directs the FCC 10 submit a report to Congress oil the impact of state video <br /> service franchising laws since 2005 on PEG use of cable systems. <br /> The section also N(JUll'eS that In states that have enacted state-level fralichising laws since <br /> Nlay 31. 2005, PEG channels would continue to receive financial and infrastrLlcttire <br /> support and channel capacity based on the support historically provided by the cable <br /> provider. Specifically: <br /> • Financial support WOUld be calculated as the greater•of the support provided in the <br /> calendar year prior-to the state video service franchising law, or the average <br /> annual sul)port over the term of the franchise agreement. <br /> • infrastructure support would be the facilities required to continue to carry the <br /> PEG channels from their point of origin to subscribers without material <br /> degradation or loss of content. <br /> • Each operator-would provide at least the same amount of PEG channel capacity <br /> that it Nvas required to provide as of May 31. 2005. If there Nvere no PEG charulel <br /> capacity requirements in a particular-locality as of that date, the State law <br /> requirements xvould apply. <br /> [Possible addition: Support means all support, including in-kind support to the extent an <br /> operator is no longer providing in-kind support on the same basis It ,tixas being provided <br /> before the state-level franchising law went into effect.] The FCC would be responsible <br /> for settling clisputes over amounts otived. <br /> Franchise Fee DeLinitiorl <br /> Section 622(g)(2)(C) of the CUrn1 III Ullications Act of 1934 makes clear that cash paid to a <br /> franchising anti101•ity for PEG``capital costs"are not counted against the franchise fee. <br /> Oil December 201, 20061, the FCC issued a rule that found that cash paid by an operator <br /> and paid to a franchising authority to support the use of PEG facilities. such as staff <br /> salaries is counted against the franchise fee. . <br /> To prevent this limited interpretation for the use of financial support. this section <br /> overturns the FCC iliterpretatiorl, and makes clear that financial support provided for <br /> PEG is not to be counted, or offset, against the franchise fee, whether-used for PEG <br /> capital or operating costs. <br /> Cable Service Definition <br /> This section amends Section 602(6) of the Communications Act to clarify that the <br /> definition of cable service is technology and transmission-protocol neutral. As a result. it <br /> makes it clear that the requirements of the Cable Act apply to systems that use traditional <br /> cable transmission technologies, as Nvell as those that rise digital transmission protocols, <br /> including. but Ilot limited to, IP protocols, to deliver video progranimirlg or other <br /> programming services to subscribers. <br />