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Financial Implications <br />The technical support provided by Bolton & Menk is being funded using the Permanent <br />Improvement Revolving (PIR) Fund. It is recommended that the additional services also <br />be funded in the same manner. Bolton & Menk will be reimbursed for actual hours spent. <br />The following table shovvs the cost breakdown by calendar year that the funds would be <br />used. <br />Task 2009 2010 <br />Task 1(preliminary design) $ 4,900 $ 4,900 <br />Task 3 (final design) $13,700 <br />Already in budget $15,000 <br />Total $ 4,900 $33,600 <br />The cost for services proposed in 2009 would not require an amendment to the budget, as <br />the General Fund is not affected. The 2010 budget request includes $15,000 for <br />planning/design of City improvements that may occur as a part of Ramsey County's <br />project. Staff proposes to increase this amount to $33,600 to include Bolton & Menk's <br />services during preliminary design and final design. The total cost of services for Tasks l <br />and 3 is $23,500. <br />Council Action Requested <br />Motion to authorize staff to amend the contract with Bolton & Menk, Inc. for regional <br />transportation assistance, as identified in Tasks 1 and 3 in the proposed amendment, from <br />$45,000 to a revised total amount not to exceed $68,500. <br />City Council Meeting <br />\�\ardenhills�I'R&PW�Engineering\Council_Actions\2009\11-09- <br />09Memo_AmendBMIscope. doc <br />Page 4 of 4 <br />