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MR-DEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION-JULY 20, 2009 15 <br /> Councilmember Grant reiterated the fact that the Council was not in favor of trail <br /> signage at this time and that the $15,000 budgeted for 2009 did not have to be <br /> expensed. He suggested that the PTRC focus on bench implementation. <br /> Councilmember Holmes agreed with this assessment. <br /> Mayor Harpstead summarized that based on the Council's discussion that the trail <br /> signage be reduced to $5,000 for trail signs to be located at needed locations. <br /> Councilmember Holden suggested that the City-wide trail system be posted on the <br /> City website for the citizens to view. She felt that plexi-glass signs would need <br /> continued maintenance by the City. <br /> Mayor Harpstead asked if the Council was in favor of purchasing additional <br /> benches for the trail system. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated she would be in favor of additional benches as she <br /> had numerous requests from residents for benches. <br /> Councilmember Grant added that this would be a great Eagle Scout project. <br /> Councilmember Holmes noted the entire Elmer L. Andersen Memorial Trail from <br /> E2 to Lake Johanna Boulevard did not have one bench. - <br /> Park and Recreation Manager Olson noted the PTRC will be reviewing the <br /> current park benches in the City in September to suggest new locations. She <br /> indicated the PTRC was going to look into a memorial bench giving program. <br /> It was the consensus of the City Council to direct staff to come forward with a park <br /> bench plan for review at a future meeting. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned if the funds set aside for the CP Rail Bridge <br /> was for one or both sides of the trail. <br /> Park and Recreation Manager Olson noted this was for one side of the trail and <br /> that the idea of expanding the project to include both sides was tabled until official <br /> costs for County Road E could be discussed at the same time. <br />