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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION-AUGUST 17 2009 10 <br /> but will be provided for the budget. He noted there was $64,000 in planning <br /> dollars within could reallocate to TCAAP, based on the Council's priorites. <br /> City Administrator Moorse further reviewed the increased items within the <br /> general fund as being annual pay adjustments, group insurance contribution <br /> increase, the recording secretary, increased contributions to NW Youth and Family <br /> Services, the newsletter, election expenses, police expenses (up 1%), and fire <br /> services (up 5.6%.) He explained the City's property and liability insurance <br /> increased due to claims from the City, and the last item was an increase in hours for <br /> interns in finance and support services. <br /> City Administrator Moorse stated the change in revenue for the City was the <br /> allotment of the market value homestead credit, which was $61,774, equivalent to <br /> 2.1% of the total tax levy. He noted the increase in expenditures along with the <br /> reduction in the market value homestead credit leaves a funding gap that needs to <br /> be filled through a proposed 4.8% levy increase for 20 10. <br /> City Administrator Moorse explained the property tax on an average-valued <br /> residential property within the City of Arden Hills would go from $551.50 to$628.38, which was an increase of$76.88. <br /> Mayor Harpstead questioned if the property tax percentage increase was <br /> calculated. <br /> Finance Director Iverson stated this was roughly 13.9%. <br /> City Administrator Moorse summarized the proposed tax levy information with <br /> the Council again noting the increase was 4.8%, with 2.1% of that due to the <br /> market value homestead credit. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the major changes within the preliminary 2010 <br /> budget. <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned the proposed pay adjustments for 2010. She <br /> suggested a 3% cost of living adjustment (COLA) be written into the budget so that <br /> this item did not come back to hit the City harder in the future. Councilmember <br /> Holden stated staff could take leave without pay to keep the pay levels standard. <br /> Councilmember Holden indicated the 3% pay increase would be roughly the same <br /> as the expense of eight days without pay. <br />