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ARDEN HILLS TCAAP WORK SESSION-AUGUST 264 2009 4 <br /> Councilmember McClung noted this was a policy decision and Council should <br /> have been made aware of this budgetary agreement. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated this was a "gray" area issue as the expense would need to <br /> be incurred before it would be brought to Council. He indicated this position never <br /> really occurred an expense and therefore did not become a billable issue. <br /> Councilmember McClung expressed concern that important issues were not being <br /> brought to Council. <br /> Mayor Harpstead agreed that this should have been brought to the Council as it <br /> involved incurring a cost relative to the Planning Department. He stated a shift in <br /> the project then made it difficult for the City to request reimbursement for the <br /> position. This was a policy decision that belonged at the Council level. <br /> Further discussion ensued regarding the associate planner position. <br /> Councilmember Grant questioned the three major items disputed by RRLD. <br /> City Administrator Moorse stated the other items in dispute were invoices that <br /> were not reduced but the City provided additional information to RRLD to have <br /> them paid in full. He indicated they were still unresolved at this point. <br /> The Council then reviewed the invoices in dispute in chronological order. <br /> Mayor Harpstead noted SRF has only one outstanding invoice which was <br /> relatively recent and questioned if this expense was related to TCAAP or not. <br /> City Administrator Moorse stated this invoice covered the expenses of Ken <br /> Helvey from SRF to meet with Arden Manor to discuss the relocation process <br /> related to the local access interchange within TCAAP. He saw this as a fully <br /> reimbursable expense. <br /> Councilmember Grant indicated that all of the amendments to the PDA should be <br /> reviewed through this process. <br /> Mayor Harpstead reviewed the next invoices from Mike Comodeca's office <br /> Spencer, Prane & Britt. He questioned if these invoices were in dispute or <br /> challenged by RRLD. <br />