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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—September 14, 2009 12 <br /> 7C. Conduit Debt Policies(continued) <br /> applications and they are very similar to what other municipalities in the Twin <br /> Cities metropolitan area are using. This procedure will provide a process whereby <br /> the applicant provides the City all the data needed about the offering and the fees <br /> that are to be paid. Another issue is Post-Issuance Compliance. The Financial <br /> Planning and Analysis Committee have developed a "Post-Issuance Compliance <br /> Policy" to comply with the Internal Revenue Code regulations. A set of procedures <br /> has also been developed to implement the compliance policy. Bond Council has <br /> also reviewed this policy and procedures. <br /> Councilmember McClung stated that in the past the Council has used a percentage <br /> of the amount being asked for to calculate a fee. He asked why this was not being <br /> used in the procedures. <br /> Finance Director Iverson stated that in the past the rate had been negotiated on a <br /> case-by-case project. Other cities are using an annual fee based on the outstanding <br /> amount rather than c one-time charge. It is estimated that the 1/8 of 1% annual rate <br /> will bring more revenue to the City. This revenue is an asset for the City. <br /> Councilmember Holden asked how the figure of 1/8 of 1% was arrived at. <br /> Finance Director Iverson stated that Staff had evaluated what other cities were <br /> doing and the rate of 1/8 of 1% was a common rate that was charged. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated that one-time fees at the beginning or an annual annuity <br /> of the outstanding amount were the choices that the City had and the annual annuity of the outstanding amount brings in more funds for the City. <br /> Mayor Harpstead stated that the Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy was <br /> initiated because other cities were caught and audited by the IRS because they had <br /> not managed the conduit financing that they had on their books. It becomes and <br /> issue when individuals use conduit financing and during the time when the project <br /> is not built earning market rate on the money which ultimately became a <br /> mechanism of profit which no longer fit under the tax free purpose. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated that there had been conversation in the past about <br /> cities marketing their conduit financing. Part 1 under General states that the City <br /> has the authority to "attract or promote economically sound industry and commerce <br /> to the City". He asked if this limited the City to just Arden Hills or if the City <br /> would be able to take on other conduit financing. <br />