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AIRDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION-SEPTEMBER 21 2009 11 <br /> ID. Shoreland Management Ordinance Worksession (continued) <br /> City Planner Beekman explained that the current regulations do not speak to <br /> fences. She noted the DNR exempts fences as structures, and from a practical point <br /> of view the City has granted fence permits in the past up to the ordinary high water <br /> level. The new regulation would require that fences be set back at least 25 feet <br /> from outside of the shore impact zone. <br /> Mayor Harpstead suggested a lot line fence be allowed within the shoreline <br /> impact zone but any others would need to be out of the shore impact zone. He <br /> added that staff should do some research on retaining walls to see how they are <br /> regulated in neighboring communities. <br /> Further discussion was held regarding the average setback to the lake regulation. <br /> The Council was in favor of keeping the current language in the Ordinance as it <br /> provided a way to regulate the average setback along the lake shore. <br /> City Planner Beekman reviewed dock size information with the Council. She <br /> noted the Ordinance would allow for a four foot minimum dock or up to 10% of the <br /> lot width. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the storage of boat lifts or inoperable material within <br /> the shore impact zone. <br /> City Planner Beekman indicated this area of the Ordinance was the most <br /> concerning to the Lakeshore owners and that they were not in favor of additional <br /> regulations. She added that additional regulations would be difficult for the City to <br /> enforce as many of the properties were hard to view from public land. <br /> Mayor Harpstead suggested that inoperable boat lifts be stored outside of the <br /> shore impact zone. <br /> After further discussion, the Council was in favor of keeping the proposed <br /> language to regulate inoperable boat lifts. <br />