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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION-SEPTEMBER 21,2009 4 <br /> IB. Police Service Review (continued) <br /> Councilmember McClung indicated the fire department has presented the City <br /> with a new staffing model to provide 24/7 service with full EMT services. He <br /> questioned. if the police department would have to also respond to the medical calls <br /> or if they could remain on patrol. <br /> Mr. Altendorfer stated he would like to wait and see how the quality of the <br /> resource was, along with reviewing the response time. <br /> Mayor Harpstead felt this was a good point in that the City of Arden Hills did not <br /> need five emergency vehicles responding to a single event. He suggested that the <br /> management of these calls would be critical going forward. <br /> Councilmember Holmes questioned how Ramsey County parks were staffed, if <br /> this was local police or County. <br /> Mr. Altendorfer explained there was a water patrol unit made up of three deputies, <br /> a sergeant and a commander. These officers were responsible for all the waterways <br /> in the County and 6,000 acres of county parks. He noted their primary <br /> responsibility was to the parks but indicated that local law enforcement would <br /> assist in an emergency situation. Additional reserve officers, community service <br /> officers, and part time officers are called in when needed. <br /> Mayor Harpstead questioned if each City involved in the shared police services <br /> had a 5.5 FTE. - <br /> Mr. Altendorfer stated it requires a minimum of 5.5 FTE patrol depuies to provide <br /> one squad 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. <br /> Further discussion ensued regarding the speed board stats along with the location <br /> and mobilization of the units. <br /> Councilmember Holden expressed concern that the Ramsey County speed board <br /> was not placed in the City until she raised the issue with public works. She <br /> questioned if there could be a set schedule to rotate the units. <br /> Mr. Altendorfer indicated this was mostly complaint driven. <br />