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2.0 Approval of CUP Amendment. On the 30t" day of November, 2009, the Arden <br />Hiils City Council considered the recommendations of the Arden Hills City <br />Planner, the recommendations of the Planning Commission, the effects of the <br />proposed Project on the health, safety, convenience and general welfare of the <br />owners and occupants of the surrounding land, and the community as a whole; <br />and passed a motion approving a CUP for Planning Case 09-020. The approval <br />of the City of Arden Hills is subject to the following conditions. <br />A. The Project shall be completed in accordance with the plans submitted as <br />amended by the conditions of approval. Any significant changes to these <br />plans, as determined by the City Planner, shall require review and approval <br />by the Planning Commission and City Council. <br />B. A building permit shall be obtained for all proposed antennas prior to <br />installation. <br />C. A building permit shall be obtained for all proposed structures prior to <br />installation. <br />D. The antennas and equipment shall be painted to match the structure to which <br />they are attached. <br />3.0 Compliance. Permittee hereby agrees to comply with the conditions of approval <br />for this Conditional Use Permit. � <br />Dated this 30th day of November, 2009 <br />�� <br />