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Draft Planning Commission Meeting Minutes — November 4, 2009 <br />Planning Case 09-020; Conditional Use Permit; 2 Pine Tree Drive; <br />Clearwire Wireless LLC — Public Hearing <br />City Planner Beekman reported that the applicant has requested a <br />Conditional Use Permit to install cor�ununications antennas and <br />related equipment on the existing building located at 2 Pine Tree <br />Drive. She then provided background information and said that Staff <br />offers the following fourteen �ndings for consideration: <br />l. The applicant has submitted documentation that addressed the <br />use of the City's water tower sites. This documentation <br />indicates that the water tower sites would not meet the location <br />needs to provide coverage in this area of the City. <br />2. The proposed antennas would be located on an existin <br />g <br />structure. <br />3. The proposed antennas would be located within the B-2 — <br />General Business District Zone. <br />4. The proposed antennas would be at a height of 73 feet. <br />5. The antennas would be located approximately 3 80 feet from the <br />. <br />nearest property lne. <br />6. The antennas would be painted to match the color of the <br />structure to which they are attached. <br />7. Cellular towers and antennas are a conditionall accesso <br />y ry use <br />in the B-2 Zoning District. <br />On the Conditional Use Pe�mit Evaluation C�ite�ia: <br />8. The proposed plan would not have any im act on traf� c or <br />p <br />parking conditions. <br />9. The proposed plan will not produce any ermanent noise lare <br />p �g � <br />odors, vibrations, smoke, dust, air pollution, heat, li uid or solid <br />q <br />v�aste, and other nuisance characteristics. <br />10. The proposed plan will not impact draina e. <br />g <br />11. The proposed plan will not impact population densit . <br />� <br />12. The proposed antennas will likely be visible from some <br />locations both on and off the property; however, the are not <br />y <br />anticipated to have an impact on land use com atibili with <br />p tY <br />uses and structures on surrounding land or ad' oinin land <br />J g <br />values. <br />13. Park dedications are not applicable. <br />