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CITY OF AR]DEN HILLS <br />COUNTY UF RAMSEY <br />STATE OF MINNESOTA <br />SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 2009-015 <br />On the 30th day of November, 2009, the Arden Hills City Council adopted Ordinance <br />No. 2009-015, and by at least four/fifths af�rmative votes pursuant to Minn. Stat. §412.191, <br />Subd. 4, directed that a summary of Ordinance 2009-01 S be published. <br />Ordinance 2009-015 is a 20-year franchise agreement granting Northern States Power <br />Company, D/B/A Xcel Energy, permission to construct, operate, repair and maintain a as ` <br />g <br />distribution system for the purpose of transmitting and distributing natural gas for public and <br />private use within City of Arden Hills. <br />A full copy of Ordinance 2009-015 is available for inspection by any person during <br />regular business hours at the of�ce of the City Administrator, 1245 West Highway 96, Arden <br />Hills, Minnesota 55112. The �rdinance is also available online at http://v�� <br /> <br />