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� <br />t <br />SE��i4N 3. Res�ric�ia�s <br />Subd. �. Compan� fac��it�es �nc3�ded �� suc� e�ectric ��s�ri�ut�Qn s stern <br />�rans�issio� Ii�es an� ap�urte�ances ther�to, s�a�l be �oca�e� and ca � � <br />�structed <br />so as not �o �nte��eze wi�h �he safe�y and co�vet�i��ce of o�d�.�a�.-y �rave�. a�on <br />and ove r saic� pEzb �. i.c wa�s _ Ct�utga�y' s ca�ts tr�� �i�n, apera�io� r� ai r g <br />s � a <br />�ta�.ntenar3�e and �ocation of such fac��,ities s�ia��, be sub�ec� to such reasonab�e <br />�eg-�.�.atxons as �ay be i�os�d byr ���y pv.rsuant �o ch�r�er, ordina�ce or stat� <br />te_ <br />�ubd- - 2. �onupany s�ia�.� no� ca��rt�ct a�.y new ins�a�.�atz��.s within or <br />u�gon any �ublic g�t�unds w���out recei�r�.ng the gr�or �r�tte� �onsen� vf ar� <br />aut�orized re�reser�tative of �i� for �a�h s�ch ins�ta��atifln. <br />Subd_ 3. Campa�ny s�a�I prov�.de �ield locatians �r�r al� �ts �.xnder round <br />faci�.i�ies �r�en reqv�es�ed by Ci�y w�t}j�.� a�re�sonable er�od o� t" g <br />P ��e _ �e <br />}�eriac� af �i�e wi�.�. be conside�e�. reaso�able if i� cr��pares favo�abl wi�� the <br />avera�e �in�e reqt�ired by �he c�.�ies i� ��e �aunt tv locate � <br />� �nie�p�� <br />u�de�rgrourir� facilYt��s �ar Com�at1y. �`=�ou�t��: �e�ers �o t�ie �ou�� in w�ic}� <br />�� �y zs �o�a.�ec� _ ) <br />� <br />SEGTI�N 4. �ree- �r�.mmi�� <br />Compan�r is also granted t�e p�rYniss�o� and au�hority to tri� a�.l �r��s anci <br />shrubs ir� the public ways and �ub�.ic groux;c�s af G�ty interferirr wit� ��e ro �r <br />co�st�uction, opera�ian, �epair a�d mai�tena�ce o�' a�n ale � p g <br />y p s, po�e ��.�es , and <br />fzxtures or appurtenar�ees �rxs�al�.ed in pursuar�ce of the au��orit he�eb <br />ra�ted � � � y <br />g , p ravidec� tha� �om� an s�all s ave � i�y �ar�ui� s s fra�n ar�y �. �. a� i�. �. ty �� <br />the preu�ises . <br />������N 5. S+�rvice Rates <br />�he serv�ce to be pravicied anc� the ra�es �o be charged �y �on��a�n for <br />elec�ric serv�.ce in City a�e s�� ec� �a ��e '�zr�sr�ictian of � <br />. <br />J the Pc�b�.�c ���.l���es <br />LCI'�u��S i �� €Jr� ��"iZ� ��ci.�c £',� i i � �ut':i���St�� ����lc:�i _ <br />SEC��O� f . R.+G�QCdt��Q <br />_ ,-�..,.,, <br />�u��. l. �ten�ver �ity shal�. grac�.e, regrade vr clzange the l�ne o� ar� <br />ubli� wa � <br />P y, or co�istruet or �e�onst�c� any �i� u���.li�y sys�e�rt ���rei�n and <br />- s�a�I , ir� �I�e proper exe�c�.se af �.�s pa�ice �owe�, a�d with �ue re ard �� <br />seasonab�e woricitlg co�dztions , whez� necessa a�c�. af�er a g <br />�y� pprova�. a� its fina�. plar�s <br />have been obtained, o=der Con�pany tc� �e�.ocate per�aaan��t3y ��s �.ines f se�r�ces and <br />a�her praper�y �.oca�e� in said �Sc�b�.�c way, Ca�nparry shall re�aca�e ��s faci�ities at <br />i�s own �xpense . City sha�� give �o�pan� re�sflrrable nat�.ce of laris �o rad� <br />re�ra�ie o� c�ange �h� �i�.e a� an ubZ�.c wa or to eo�ns � � � <br />Y P � ��-uct �r recoris truc � any C 1 ty <br />u�.ilit� syst�m ��erein. However, after Con�par�y �tas so re�.oca�ed, �f a subs� uent <br />�eiocatior� o� re�.oca�iox�s sha�.�. be ordered wi��t�n ter� 1� ears � <br />� ) y f�' om ar�d a f�e r <br />first relpcation, City shal� rei�burse �onapar�y for sue�i non-bettex�ment �eZocation <br />expense w�ich Company �aay �ncu�- a� a t��,te a�d material basis; p�ovided, if <br />stzbsec��er�t �eloca�ior�s are requzzed �ecat,�se af t�e extensior� of C�.� u���.iti�s <br />�o �rev�ously unse�rec� a�eas , Cc�tu an Yna �e re ui�ec� �t� � <br />F� y q re�.aca�e a� its own <br />ex�ens� a� an� �iine , <br />� <br />2 <br />