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t <br />�E����N 8. �Tacat�v� of �u��.�c �a s <br />T'�e Czt� shati�. givs th� Ca�apar�y a� Ieas� �wo wee�Cs: �xior wr��ten �o�i�e of a <br />progosec� vacation of a�tx��zc way. �xc�p� where requ�.r�d so�.e�,y for a�ity <br />�.mprave�ent graj ect, ��.e va�atio�n o� any g�xb��� way, after �h� ins�a�.3.ation o� <br />eiectr�.c faczli�ies, s�aE�.�. ��� vgera�e ta de�r�ve Courpa�ny a� zts r�.g�ts to o erate <br />a�ad �naintain such e�.�.c� fac�.�.it�es l uz��i�. ��xe reasQ�.�ble G�St of � <br />z� �ocating �he <br />sa.u�e and t�e �.ass a�c� experise resu�.�ing �ror� s�ch re�ocati�n a�e �irs t paid tQ <br />Con�pa�y. �� na case, �oweve�, sha�.I Gi��t �e ��ab�.e �o t�e Compar�y foz fai�ure ta <br />s�ecif�.ca�.�y preserve a r.�g�tt- c��-�aa�, u�t�e� M��n�sota S�a�u��s , Section 1�� . 2� . <br />SE�TI�}Iii' 9 _ ��i tt�n Acce�ta�^tce <br />- ------ - - <br />Cou�par�y sha��. = i�,� i�t accepts this ard�na�n�e and ��e r�.g�i�s and o�Iiga��ox�s <br />hereby grantec�, fi.�.e a wr�.tten accep�a�c� af ��.e righ�s �ereb� �ran�ed i,r�.th �he <br />C�ty C�erk w�.t��r� �i�e {9�� da s afte� ��x� f�.�na� a�s � <br />. . . �Y � p age and ar�y r�c�u� red <br />�ubl�ca��.on o� this or�irtar�ce . <br />S������ ��. Pra�isions of {�rc�inance <br />Subd_ �. Ever� seetic�r�, provisi,o�, a� part o� this v��i�►a�ce is <br />declarec� separate f�om euery o��er sec��.a�, gr��ris�or� or part; anc�. if an <br />y <br />se���.o�, prQv�sior� o� �ar� sha��. �� h��r3 inva�.id, }� sha�.l r�o� affeet ar� <br />c�t�er sec��on rav�.s�:art o� � � <br />�� part. Where a pravis�.�n of any other City <br />ord��ane� con.f � ic �s wi th the �rovis �ons of tl��s orc3inar�ce , the prvv�s ions of <br />�h�s a�di.r�arice sha�� �reva��.. <br />Su�c�.. 2. �� eit�►er part� {���y ar �ojngar�y) asserts t�a� t�� other <br />�a��� �.s i� defa��t in perfo�anee a� an�r ob�.igation here�c�er, t�e <br />�o�n��.a�nit�tg pa�ty s}�►a��. �at�.f� ��.e othex pa�ty �f th� d�fat�l� axid ��e <br />desired r�rgedy_ i'�e notifica��an shail �e wr��te�, �� t�� disgut� is not <br />r�solvec� w�t�in 3� days of t�ie writt�n r�otic�, e�t�er �arty �tay carnrme�ce an <br />action it�► �}istric� �ou�� to �.r��.erpre� �r�d e.�foxce this fra��ch�.se or �ar suc� <br />ot�ex re�.�.e� as m�y permz��ed by 1aw �� eguity fc�x hreac� af �Qntra�c�, or <br />either party may talfe any ot�i�� ac��on per�ni�ted by �aw. <br />Sub�. 3. �is arr��nance Cfl�S��ttl��� a�rar�Ghise agreer�e�nt �etwe�n �he <br />Git�r and th� Compar�y as the a��y parties a�nd no p�av�.sion of this frar�c�ise <br />shal Z in any way i�u�e ta the �en� f i t o f a��r t��.rd �ersor� { inc �.udi� the <br />`p�blie at ��rge) so as to cons�itt�te ar; s�c� erso� a�.s a � <br />y � t�iir� part� <br />�eneficia� af r�e agree�en� or o� any one or a�ore of t�ie teru;s �ereof, ar <br />otherwise ,g�.ve �rise �Co a�� cause of ac�i�� in any person not a par�y <br />her� to . <br />SE�'��4� �.� _ Pu��ica�io� Ex e�se <br />�e exger�se af a�x� gub3�cation af this f�raFtchi�se ordi�ance zequired by law <br />s�a�. i be � a id by ��mpany . <br />�4 <br />