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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION-O TOBER 19 2009 4 <br /> IA. CP Rail and County Road E Update (cont.) <br /> Councilmember Holden questioned when the funds would be realized if the grant <br /> were to be approved in January or February of 20 10. <br /> Mr. Jensen stated the funding would be available for the new bridge in FY 2013 <br /> (July 2012). He noted the municipal funds could be available July of 2010, which <br /> would provide the City options if the pedestrian bridge grant were not approved. <br /> Mayor Harpstead questioned when the decision should be made based upon the <br /> municipal funding. <br /> Park and Recreation Manager Olson explained that the City would know about <br /> both grants by January of 20 10. <br /> Mayor Harpstead asked what the minimum approach was to the County Road E <br /> bridge and if the expense for the sidewalks was known. <br /> Mr. Jensen explained that based on his information the sidewalk cost would be <br /> $400,000-500,000, which included the necessary retaining walls. This estimate is <br /> for the entire north sidewalk from Connelly to Old Highway 10. The cost for the <br /> entry ramps to the bridge (Hamline to Connelly) will not be known until surveying <br /> takes place. <br /> Discussion ensued regarding the life expectancy of the bridge and the predicted <br /> replacement timeframe. <br /> Park and Recreation Manager Olson thanked the Council for their comments <br /> and questions on this item and noted she would report back further to the Council <br /> when more information was available. <br /> B. Administrative Fines <br /> City Administrator Moorse suggested this item be moved to the end of the <br /> meeting and if time allowed could be discussed or postponed to a future meeting. <br /> Mayor Harpstead questioned what the Council would like to do with this item. <br />