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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL TCAAP WORK SESSION-NOVEMBER 9. 2009 10 <br /> D. TCAAP Conference Call and Ramsey County Plan (continued) <br /> Councilmember Holden stated she did not want to see the City's time and <br /> resources wasted if Mike Comadeca were brought in on this. <br /> Mayor Harpstead questioned if staff knew when to expect the documentation <br /> from the GSA. <br /> City Administrator Moorse stated. Mike could be contacted tomorrow and <br /> provided an update on the conference call He could then speak with Carmen and <br /> get her feel on the license option. <br /> Mayor Harpstead indicated he would be interested to know the schedule that staff <br /> was following at this time and when the GSA would be providing additional <br /> information. <br /> Councilmember McClung added that he wanted to see the details. <br /> Mayor Harpstead suggested staff follow up with Kevin Legare and ask for a <br /> schedule on when the details would be provided to the City. <br /> City Administrator Moorse noted that Ramsey County and the National Guard <br /> have developed a proposal that relates to the Primer/Tracer area. He indicated the <br /> far western portion of the Primer/Tracer area would be transferred to the County <br /> and the rest would be retained by the Army but leased to the National Guard under <br /> the County's concept. <br /> City Administrator Moorse indicated a 500 foot corridor would provide access <br /> for a road or trail from County Road I down through the Primer/Tracer area and <br /> that would be owned by the County. He explained this information was passed <br /> along to Kevin Legare and the Army for their review. At this point in time, the <br /> Army was not in favor of holding onto the land. <br /> Mayor Harpstead questioned if this item would come up at the TCAAP work <br /> session later this month as it would require additional discussion. <br /> City Administrator Moorse noted this could be brought up at that time along with <br /> land use control on November 30tn <br /> The Council was in favor of this suggestion. <br />