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ARDENHILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION - NOVEMBER 16, 2009 11 <br />1 B. 2010-2014 Capital Improvement Plan (continued) <br />The entire Council was in favor of including this item in the 2010 budget but <br />Councilmember's Grant and Holden requested that it be brought to the Council <br />mid -summer after some assessment on the water level could be completed. <br />Mayor Harpstead explained the Old Highway 10 sidewalk improvements and CP <br />Rail sidewalk expenses have increased on the CIP. <br />Councilmember Grant suggested that the old numbers be included in the staff <br />memo and how they changed. <br />Councilmember Holden questioned how large was the increase. <br />Parks & Recreation Manager Olson stated if the City were to receive the legacy <br />grant, the numbers may change, but at this time, the City's portion would be 25% <br />of $340,0001, with 75%being covered by the grant. <br />The entire Council was in favor of keeping this item in the 2010 CIP. <br />Mayor Harpstead moved on to discussing the Lexington Avenue trail. He <br />indicated that business partnerships toward the construction of this trail will be the <br />biggest challenge for this project. <br />Parks & Recreation Manager Olson stated she was working with the local <br />businesses to gain support. <br />Mayor Harpstead questioned if the Council was in support of the park bench <br />implementation plan. <br />Councilmember Holden indicated it was her understanding that $5,000 was being <br />set aside for park benches. <br />Parks &Recreation Manager Olson explained the PTRC stated $5,000 was <br />proposed and that .they proposed $10,000 for the year one and $5,000 for the next <br />three years, for a total of $25,000. <br />Mayor Harpstead stated he would be- comfortable with $5,000 and that the City <br />just needed a plan in place to implement the purchase and placement of park <br />benches throughout the City. <br />