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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION - NOVEMBER 16. 2009 4 <br />IA. Financial Planning and Analysis Committee Presentation (cont.) <br />Finance Director Iverson stated that if the Council can approve afive-year CIP <br />plan and if the long range analysis were completed, staff could provide more <br />alternatives or options on future projects, similar to what Ehlers provided with the <br />rate study. <br />Mayor Harpstead asked if there were any further questions at this time. He felt <br />the challenge of the Council would be to task the committee from time to time that <br />would benefit the City while allowing them to use their expertise. <br />B. 2010-2014 Capital Improvement Plan <br />Finance Director Iverson presented the City Council with information on the <br />2010-2014 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). She created a new book and noted <br />that changes made since the last time it was discussed were highlighted within the <br />document. Each department was present to discuss items in further detail if <br />needed. <br />City Administrator Moorse indicated the information included in the memo <br />related to changes made to the document or additional information needed for <br />upcoming projects within the CIP. <br />Mayor Harpstead questioned what the Council would like to accomplish at this <br />evenings meeting. <br />Finance Director Iverson stated the goal would be to get a 2010-2014 CIP <br />knowing that only 20 10 would go into the 2010 budget. This would allow the City <br />to begin the financial planning and analysis on the fund balances for future <br />projects. She explained this was a starting point to allow for future planning while <br />monitoring the fund balances as these major projects are completed. <br />Councilmember Holden felt it was difficult to shift gears in mid -race. She <br />expressed concern about not knowing the cost of certain projects. <br />Finance Director Iverson stated staff could focus on certain priorities to provide <br />the Council additional information,, if needed. She noted that the CIP would <br />change constantly going into the future. <br />