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-ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — August 31, 2009 10 <br />Mr. Hilden stated that a wall in this area would have been less of a change because <br />of the location of the homes along with the cost reasonableness. <br />Mayor Harpstead asked if the modeling was done with the existing surface or with <br />a bituminous surface. <br />Mr. Hilden stated that it was modeled based on a standard Mn/DOT noise emission <br />baseline so neither surface was taken into account. He will get back to the Council <br />regarding whether this would be comparable to a new or existing road. <br />Councilmember Grant stated that it has been the 'Idea that a bituminous overlay on <br />Highway 10 would reduce the noise. He asked if this would be true and if so homer <br />much the noise level would be reduced. <br />Mr. Hilden stated that a new surface would appear to have less noise than an older <br />one. <br />Mayor Harpstead stated that it had been asked why there had been no sites on the <br />east side of TH 10 and south of County Road 96 used in the study. <br />Mr. Hilden stated that the Noise Area Classification was used and this involves the <br />sensitive receptors within the bounds of the project. The area that has more <br />commercial or retail would not have as many sensitive receptors and the acceptable <br />noise levels in this area would be higher. <br />Mayor Harpstead closed the public hearing at 7:58 p.m. <br />Mayor Harpstead asked for guidance when the resolution would be on the agenda <br />for the Council. <br />Civil Engineer Giga stated that Staff wanted to get feedback from the public <br />hearing and from the Council on how they would like Staff to propose the <br />resolution. It could be brought to the Council at the September 14, 2009 meeting. <br />Mayor Harpstead stated that Staff had been asked to bring forward information <br />regarding the impacts to the Briarknoll neighborhood. <br />Civil Engineer Giga stated that Mr. Chromy was in the neighborhood today and <br />will be providing feedback regarding this. <br />