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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — August 31, 2009 2 <br />A. TCAAP Update <br />City Administrator Ronald Moors° stated that the City is in the process of <br />scheduling a joint work session with the Ramsey County Board to discuss the reuse <br />of the TCAAP property for parks and open space, and to discuss the County's <br />interest in obtaining the land for parks and open space use. The City is also <br />working with Kevin Legare, of the GSA, to develop a schedule of bi-weekly <br />conference calls related to the GSA's planned public sale of the TCAAP property. <br />A meeting with the MPCA to discuss issues related to the clean-up of the TCAAP <br />property was held on Monday afternoon, August 31. <br />Public <br />Mayor Harpstead opened the public inquiries/informational at 7:06 p.m. <br />Al Hi(gers, 1536 Briarknoll Drive, Arden Hills, expressed continued concerns <br />about the noise levels in the Briarknoll neighborhood and the need for noise <br />mitigation in this area. He asked the Council to consider alternatives to the noise <br />mitigation beyond noise walls, which might include a reduction in speed in this area <br />or restricting truck traffic. <br />Srl*dh Ramaswamy, 1517 Briarknoll Drive, Arden Hills, stated that the Briarknoll <br />neighborhood should be reevaluated for noise mitigation. He stated that even if a <br />wall is not constructed then other means of mitigation could be considered to reduce <br />the noise in this area. He stated that the Briarknoll neighborhood has been against <br />this entire project from the beginning due to the noise impacts. <br />Leonard Grudnoske, 4445 Highway 10, Arden Hills, suggested that the noise in <br />this area could be reduced by having the road resurfaced with asphalt. <br />Mayor Harpstead closed the public inquiries/information at 7:11 p.m. <br />3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br />A. July 13, 2009 City Council Worksession Meeting <br />Counciltnember Holmes stated that Mike Comodeca's name was spelled correctly <br />on the first page of the minutes but misspelled throughout the rest of the document. <br />Councilmember Holmes stated that on page 2, paragraph 6 the word "foset" <br />should be "FOSET". <br />