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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL — August 31, 2009 5 <br />Revenues, but was also found to be "netted" against expenditures, resulting in the <br />Contract Policing line item being $44,000 to low. A budget amendment is needed <br />to increase the Contract Policing line item by $44,000. <br />Councilmember McClung asked for clarification regarding the requested <br />amendment for the police contract. <br />Finance Director Iverson stated that the contracted amount did not change but <br />when it was recorded in the budget it was not caught that the amount that was <br />provided in the expense category had also been netted with the revenue that would <br />be received and the revenue amount was also included in the revenue. <br />Subsequently it was picked up incorrectly when it was put in the budget. <br />Councilmember McClung stated that he had concerns with the fire contract. He <br />stated that last year the City had voted not to support the Assistant Fire Chief <br />position because the City did not have a good view of what the responsibilities <br />would be for this position and there was no additional information regarding a <br />staffing study that the department was looking at regarding their future staffing. He <br />clarified that even though the position was not supported by the Council it was still <br />included in the contract amount because the Fire Board had voted in favor of the <br />position. He stated that the position has not been filled yet. The City is being billed <br />for a position that is not filled. He stated that his concern is that at the end of the <br />year when the fire department has a salary savings for this position the savings does <br />not come back to the City or roll over to the next year but rather the overage is <br />rolled over to the general fund. The City does not have any control over the general <br />fund and he can not support this. He stated that the department should have the <br />same budgeting responsibilities as any other department within the City. <br />Councilmember Holden stated that the fire department has not filled the position <br />yet the City is being required to pay for six months salary when there is only four <br />months remaining in the year. She expressed concerns about the City paying for <br />services that they are not receiving. <br />Mayor Harpstead suggested that the motion be split into two different motions. <br />MOTION: Mayor Harpstead moved and Councilmember Holden seconded a <br />motion to Approve Budget Amendment to the 2009 Budget in the <br />Public Safety Department an Increase of $44,000 to Contracted <br />Policing. The motion carried unanimously (5-0). <br />