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TIME -LINE of Schneider -Maloney Property -Line and Fence Dispute <br />Fall 2006 <br />Contacted City of Arden Hills for information re: building a fence and was given advice on how to establish <br />the property line. It was suggested that we rent a metal detector and find pins at each corner of property, <br />which are often several inches below the surface. <br />Downloaded a plat of the property which shows back neighbor's property line jogs 10 feet to the south of <br />original lot line. These 2 lots were severed later than all others; they originally both belonged to the owner of <br />the Gramsie property, previous to the Schneiders. When our lot was severed, they kept an extra 10 feet on <br />their side. We take note of this. <br />Spring 2007 <br />1 told Patty Schneider we were considering some landscaping options for the back yard, possibly including a <br />fence. <br />We rented a metal detector to find pins. Found three easily. Mr. Schneider sees us looking with the metal <br />detector and comes out to talk. We explain about trying to find the pins. We discuss the foot traffic thru our <br />property but he announces that he "does not want a fence!" We didn't continue searching for 4th pin at that <br />point. <br />The next day, as we start to dig for the fourth pin, Mr. Schneider charges out of his house and in a rage <br />orders off "his" property. (The survey later established it was our land all along.) He told us he was a lawyer <br />and he would take us to court. Also said they never had any trouble until we moved into the neighborhood <br />and that we both should get professional help with our interpersonal relations. <br />Got a call from the city planner next day. "Your neighbor claims you are building a fence without a permit." <br />At that point we were only contemplating building a fence. <br />NnvP.mhP.r `ns <br />Building began on our patio. Mr. Schneider called the city and requested an inspection. He also <br />complained about the contractor's trucks and equipment parked overnight on our street, though Schneider <br />doesn't live on our street. The contractor had gotten city clearance in advance to leave equipment on the <br />street for the duration of the project, and he passed all inspections. Schneider hand -delivered a letter to our <br />door claiming we had agreed (supposedly in the same encounter that he ordered us off his property) not to <br />build a fence. No such agreement ever happened. Just another example of his bullying tactics. This false <br />claim plus his claim that he was a lawyer and his threat to take us to court led us to get our own legal <br />counsel. <br />Feb `09 <br />City building inspector, John, visits our home to inspect inside renovations, as per the permits we had <br />obtained for that work. He is aware of the Schneiders' objection to building a fence and visits future fence <br />site with Tim. He suggests we build as close to the property line as possible so as to leave as little property <br />on the other side to have to maintain. Also suggests leaving enough space beneath the fence to permit a <br />weed -whacker to trim the grass on the few inches of our land that might be left on the Schneiders' side of <br />the fence. And whatever you do, he says, don't pay for a survey, since you have already found one of the <br />back pins. <br />June `09 <br />Had a survey done on our property. Mr. Schneider told the surveyor he was going to fight the building of a <br />fence all the way. Mr. Schneider sends us another letter demanding that we remove property stakes placed <br />by the surveyor. When we don't, he removes them and tosses them on our patio. That's when we asked <br />our lawyer to get involved. In her second letter to the Schneiders, she ordered them to remove their bush <br />from our land and desist from further trespassing on our property. They remove the bush, thus conceding <br />the ownership issue of the strip of land they had claimed, but they leave a gaping crater where the bush had <br />been, making no effort to fix the "damage." The Schneiders also contact city hall, requesting that the city <br />rescind the building permit it had issued to us to erect a fence. City staff refuse. <br />October `09 <br />Tim speaks to our neighbor to the west (Pam) about our fence project and without hesitation she gives <br />permission for us to build our (east -west) fence right up to her (north -south) fence so that we can put an end <br />