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�;�. EN HILLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: January 11, 2010 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members <br />Sue Iverson, Acting City Administrator <br />FROM: Michelle Olson, Parks and Recreation Manager <br />SUBJECT: Recreation Fee Assistance Program <br />Back�round <br />The Parks and Recreation Department has followed a standard fee assistance procedure that <br />has been in place internally for years. With the struggles in the economy, the City's fee <br />assistance requests have increased in the past year. For this reason and because there is no <br />official written program, staff presented a draft version of a fee assistance program for <br />review at the December 21, 2009 City Council Work Session. After review of the <br />program, Council asked that staff bring it back for approval at tonight's meeting. <br />Staff has included a draft of the proposed Recreation Fee Assistance Program Guidelines <br />(Attachment A) and application form (Attachment B) for Council review. Below is a list <br />of items that highlight additions and changes to the current procedures: <br />• Each individual in a qualifying family may receive full assistance up to <br />$40. There was no maximum set with our previous procedures. <br />• Events, trips or activities that require the purchase of a ticket or payment <br />to another service provider are not eligible for fee assistance. This <br />includes the following programs but is not limited to: Sports camps, <br />specialized drama and science camps and field trips. <br />• To qualify for fee assistance, the family must be eligible for the free or <br />reduced lunch program at school or receive public assistance. <br />• The family must provide documentation (school district letter, WIC card, <br />or other form) that they are on the free or reduced lunch program for the <br />current year or other public assistance program. <br />• In the event a participant cannot attend the activity/class they registered <br />for, the City asks that the resident provide the Parks and Recreation <br />Department at least a 24 hour notice. For ongoing programs (such as a 6-9 <br />week class), they must attend 75 percent of the class sessions to remain <br />eligible for future fee assistance. <br />I IMetro-inet. us l a�denhills IPR�PWIParks IMemos I Council Memos 101112010 Recreation Program Fee <br />Assistance Policy.doc <br />