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_ _ _ _ <br />_ __ _ _ _ <br />_ _.... .. __ _ _ _ <br />_ __ <br />__ _ <br />_ . __ .. ___ <br />_ _ _ _ <br />_ _. _ _ _ <br />_ _ ___ _ <br />_. _ _ _ <br />_ _ _ _ _ <br />_ _ _ _ . _ <br />_ _ ___ <br />_ _ _ _ _ <br />HI <br />EN LLS <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE : January 11, 2010 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and Council <br />Sue Iverson, Acting City Administrator <br />FROM: Michelle Olson, Parks and Recreation Manager <br />SUBJECT: Resolution No. 2010-004: Supporting and endorsing legislation that provides <br />additional financing of parks, trails and recreational facilities for local units of <br />government by special assessments <br />Back�round <br />In the fall of 2009, Mr. Mel Aanerud, Chair of the Ham Lake Park and Tree Commission <br />contacted City staff and asked for an opportunity to attend a Parks, Trails and Recreation <br />Committee meeting to discuss legislation that is currently being worked on regarding Park <br />Funding. This park funding legislation has been introduced and is being carried by Senator <br />Foley and Congressman Newton and will get a hearing sometime early in 2010. Mr. Aanerud is <br />spreading the word on this piece of legislation to gain support from neighboring communities to <br />assist in creating park plans, while setting aside funding to assist in these expenses. He asked the <br />PTRC for their support and recommendation for Council support. The legislation that is being <br />proposed gives Cities, Counties and Regional Park groups an additional method of funding park <br />development through coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 448. Currently, there <br />are three ways: <br />• Park Land Dedication — This funding source works well for growing <br />communities. However, the City of Arden Hills is almost fully developed and <br />therefore, the Park Fund balance has been depleted. In addition, these funds can <br />not be utilized for maintenance. <br />• Levy Increase - The levy would only produce approximately $25,000 for every <br />1% increase. This is not a significant amount of funding. <br />• Bonding — When there is a maj or development being looked at and/or when the <br />community wants the voters to vote on an expenditure. <br />The proposed legislation allows a City like Arden Hills to develop a plan for whatever length of <br />time they choose. Each year would have a certain dollar amount to be expended. The City can <br />\�\ardenhills�PR&PW�Parks�lViemos\Council Memos\011110 Park funding support resolution.doc <br />