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MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: January 11, 2010 <br />TO: Mayor and City Council <br />FROM: James Lehnhoff, Community Development Director <br />SUBJECT: 2010 TCAAP Meeting Schedule <br />Action Req uest <br />Select a TCAAP work session schedule for 2010. <br />Back�round <br />In 2009, the City Council had set aside two timeslots each month for potential work sessions to <br />discuss TCAAP related issues. The first timeslot was generally from 5 pm to 7 pm prior to the �rst <br />regular meeting each month, which takes place on the second Monday of the month. The second <br />timeslot was from 6 pm to 8 pm during the fourth Wednesday of each month. While not every work <br />session was needed, these times were set aside to help plan schedules. <br />With the public auction for TCAAP tentatively scheduled for the summer of 2010, additional work <br />sessions will be needed to continue discussions on land use planning, the public auction process, and <br />other related issues. <br />2010 TCAAP Work Meeting Schedule Alternatives <br />The meeting schedule could remain the same in 2010 or the Council could adjust the schedule. The <br />current schedule and a possible alternative are listed below, and a different option can be proposed. <br />Although it may not be necessary to have every meeting, it is helpful to set aside one or two days a <br />month so that meeting schedules can be planned ahead with greater ease. <br />Current schedule: <br />• Work session prior to first regular meeting of the month from S pm to 7 pm (second Monday <br />of the month) <br />• Work session during the fourth Wednesday of the month from 6 pm to 8 pm <br />Possible alternative schedule: <br />� Work session prior to both regular meetings from 5:30 pm to 7 pm on an as needed basis <br />(second and last Monday of the month) <br />• This alternative does not include a meeting on the fourth Wednesday of the month, which <br />reduces the overall number of nights with meetings <br />IlAhdocs1lahlAHdatalPlanninglCommunity DevelopmentlTCAAPIPIanning - Public AuctionlMeetings1011110 - 2010 TCAAP <br />Meeting Schedule. doc <br />Page 1 of 1 <br />