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�;.� EN HILLS . <br />MEMORANDUM <br />DATE: Janua�y 11, 2010 <br />TO: Honorable Mayor and City Council Members <br />Sue Iverson, Acting City Administrator <br />FROM: Rebecca Brazys, Deputy Clerk <br />SUBJECT: Commission and Committee Appointments — Resolution 2010-003 <br />Back�round <br />In March 2007, the City Council approved an ordinance amendment setting three year <br />staggered terms for the members of the various commissions and committees (Section <br />220 and its subdivisions of the City Code.) At the beginning of 2008, each member of <br />the committees and. commissions was assigned an expiration date for their term in order <br />to implement the three ,year staggered term system. As part of that ordi�ance change, it is <br />no longer necessary to annually appoint all members of each commission and committee. <br />Therefore, Resolution 2010-003 only lists new appointees, replacement appointees, and <br />reappointments of existing members. In order to maintain the staggered term system, the <br />replacement appointees will have shortened terms that complete the term of the vacated <br />seat. The term expiration date is listed after each name. <br />Requested Action <br />Motion to approve Resolution 2010-003 relating to commission and committee <br />appointments. <br />