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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL TCAAP WORK SESSION-NOVEMBER 30.2009 2 <br /> A. Ramsey County Rice Creek Trailhead Concept and TCAAP North- <br /> South Tail Connection Concept (continued) <br /> Greg Mack from Ramsey County reviewed the proposed trailhead concept with - <br /> the Council noting this has not gone to the County board to date. He indicated <br /> there has been an interest in making a connection to County Road I. Mr. Mack <br /> stated that a 500-foot corridor from County Road I down to the northern border of <br /> the wildlife corridor would provide an opportunity for road access to the wildlife <br /> corridor and AHATS. <br /> Mr. Mack explained that he has had conversations with the National Guard about <br /> working out a land exchange or lease agreement through the AHATS portion of the <br /> proposed corridor. The two parties have also been working jointly to allow the <br /> County to secure the west 500 feet of the Primer/Tracer area for the corridor. <br /> Mr. Mack indicated that staff at the GSA was supportive of working with the <br /> County and would like the wildlife corridor transferred by the County. He noted <br /> the proposed trail connection would provide a critical north access into the site <br /> while allowing access for winter use within the AHATS property. <br /> Mayor Harpstead asked that the proposed trail access be described through the <br /> MnDOT land. <br /> Mr. Mack explained the current access was through a permit with the MnDOT to <br /> have a paved trail that followed Rice Creek off of County Road I. The current <br /> corridor is just sufficient to have a trail and could not provide a road access. He <br /> stated that in the future a land exchange may take place and this parcel would <br /> become County parkland. <br /> Councilmember Grant questioned if the proposed 500-foot trail would run <br /> through contaminated land. <br /> Mr. Mack stated it appears that it would under the western portion of the 500 feet <br /> as there were two FOSETS in this area. He indicated that this area would serve as <br /> a staging area for events at AHATS. <br /> Councilmember Grant asked what the staging area would be used for. <br /> Mr. Mack explained that this would be a winter sports staging area or trail access <br /> to the Rice Creek corridor. He noted this would be an active use area. <br />