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ARDEN HILLS SPECIAL CITY COUNCIL-DECEMBER 10 11 2009 2 <br /> 2. TRANSITION PROCESS DISCUSSION(continued) <br /> Councilmember Holmes indicated in her note that she spoke with Mark Nagel <br /> about assisting in the search for a City Administrator. She suggested the City use <br /> the League of Minnesota. Cities to assist in the hiring process to negate the need for <br /> a recruiter. She recommended the City follow up with Melinda Coleman. <br /> Mayor Harpstead indicated that she agreed with Councilmember Holmes' <br /> comment to speak with Sue about filling the City Administrator position in the <br /> interim. <br /> Councilmember Holden agreed that a joint position did not work last time. <br /> Councilmember McClung explained he spoke with the directors after the <br /> announcement was made and agreed that he would support Sue as the Acting City <br /> Administrator. <br /> Mayor Harpstead reviewed several caveats with the Council about the Acting <br /> City Administrator position. He indicated he would like clarification from Sue on <br /> the $249,000 negative revenue on the TCAAP revenue report. Mayor Harpstead <br /> understood that the books were difficult for TCAAP but that it was Sue's <br /> responsibility and needed to be resolved. <br /> Mayor Harpstead noted the second caveat he had was the water meter <br /> discrepancy that needed resolution. <br /> Councilmember Holden stated this issue has been on-going for several years and <br /> that she has spoken with staff about it as well. From her understanding, Pang has <br /> brought this to Greg's attention and Greg has stated it was not a priority. <br /> Mayor Harpstead explained that his third caveat was that he would like to see a <br /> complete financial analysis from the Finance Department. <br /> Councilmember Holden agreed with this statement indicating that Ron did not <br /> agree everything had to run through the Finance Department. <br /> The Council agreed that Sue Iverson would be the Acting City Administrator with <br /> the understanding that the reporting relationships would need to be improved and <br /> that the three above mentioned caveats would need further clarification. <br />