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A. Planning Case 09-024; Appeal of ,Staff Decision; 1774 Gramsie Road; Mr. <br />and Mrs. Schneider — Not a Public Hearing (continued) <br />It was the consensuses of the Planning Commission to not have the parties <br />involved speak to the Commission since this was not a public hearing and all the <br />evidence had been adequately provided by both parties in regards to the case at <br />hand. <br />Chair Larson stated that Staff had acted in good faith and there was no reason to <br />. <br />assume any mallce. <br />Commissioner Holewa moved, seconded b_y Commissioner Modesette to den_y <br />a request to overturn Staff s decision that the fence located at 1777 Glenview <br />Avenue meets the requirements of the Zonin� Code. <br />Commissioner Holewa stated that he had visited the site and there was no <br />difference in the two sides of the panels. <br />The Motion was called to a vote. <br />The motion carried unanimousl_y (5-0). <br />