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MSA Designation <br />1/22/2010 <br />Page 3 <br />8820.0800 Subp. 3. Payback on revoked state-aid routes. If a local unit of government revokes <br />a state-aid route for which state-aid construction money has been spent, the district state-aid <br />engineer shall determine the remaining life of the project and compute the value of the items that <br />were financed with state-aid money. This computed value must be subtracted from the next <br />state-aid contract let by the local unit of government. For this determination, (1) the life of a <br />construction and reconstruction project is 25 years, (2) the life of a bridge project is 35 years, and <br />(3) the life of a surfacing or reconditioning project is ten years. Payback is not required if the <br />state-aid construction was a special resurfacing project. <br />CONCLUSION <br />50% of our City's MSAS funding is based on construction Needs. MSA mileage that is not <br />assigned to street segments is not drawing construction Needs. By not having our full mileage <br />designated to street segments, the City is not receiving all of the MSAS funds we are entitled. <br />The City must make system revisions by May 2007, in order to receive funding for construction <br />Needs in our MSA allocation. Future revisions can be made to the MSA system as needed. <br />Therefore, staff recommends that the City Council approve the system revisions identified in the <br />resolutions. <br />Staff recommends the following motions: <br />a. Approval of resolution revoking Red Fox Road from the MSA system. <br />b. Approval of resolution establishing Beckman Avenue and Valentine Avenue as MSA <br />streets. <br />