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The need for suitable antenna sites is anticipated to increase with the growing demand for <br />wireless services. While some older technologies are consolidating antenna sites, the newer <br />high-speed services are requiring additional antennas. It is reasonable to expect increasing <br />demand from wireless internet and cellular services. <br />2. Conditional Use Permit Review — Section 1355.04 Subd 3 <br />Section 1355.04 Subd 3 of the Arden Hills Zoning Code lists the criteria for evaluating a <br />Conditional Use Permit or Conditional use Permit Amendment. The Planning Commission <br />and City Council shall consider the effect of the proposed use upon the health, safety, <br />convenience and general welfare of the owners and occupants of the surrounding land, in <br />particular, and the community as a whole, in general, including but not limited to the <br />following factors: <br />1. Existing and anticipated traffic and parking conditions; <br />2. Noise, glare, odors, vibration, smoke, dust, air pollution, heat, liquid or solid <br />waste, and other nuisance characteristics; <br />3. Drainage; <br />4. Population density; <br />5. Visual and land use compatibility with uses and structures on surrounding land; <br />adjoining land values; <br />6. Park dedications where applicable; and the <br />7. Orderly development of the neighborhood and the City within the general purpose <br />and intent of this ordinance and the Comprehensive Development Plan for the <br />City. <br />Conditional Use Permit Amendment Request <br />The applicant is requesting that the original CUP be amended to allow the owners to add, <br />relocate, or replace antennas on the Reiling Tower as needed, provided the tower can <br />structurally accommodate the antennas. Any change to equipment on the tower would <br />require a building permit and administration review, but a CUP amendment for changes <br />would not be required. <br />Under the current procedures, someone requesting to relocate or add antennas to the Reiling <br />Tower would be required to come before the Planning Commission and City Council for a <br />CUP amendment. Since the process is the same for placing an antenna on an existing <br />structure or constructing a new tower, there is less incentive to consider existing towers for <br />new antennas. If this request is approved, the applicant would be subject to an administrative <br />review to relocate or add antennas, which would require the following information: <br />• An independent structural engineering review to determine if the tower can <br />accommodate the additional antennas; <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for February 3, 2010 <br />IlMetro-inet.uslardenhillslPlanninglPlanning Cases 12009109-023 Reiling Tower Zoning and CUP Amendment (Pending)102-03-10 - <br />_PC Report--_Reiling Tower CUP Amendmentl.doc Page 5 of 9 <br />