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8. The proposed Zoning Code amendment would support the City's goal of reducing the <br />potential need for additional antennas in the City. <br />9. The proposed Zoning Code amendment does not conflict with the 2030 Comprehensive <br />Plan. <br />On the Conditional Use Permit Evaluation Criteria: <br />10. The proposed plan would not have any impact on traffic or parking conditions. <br />11. The proposed plan will not produce any permanent noise, glare, odors, vibration, smoke, <br />dust, air pollution, heat, liquid or solid waste, and other nuisance characteristics. <br />12. The proposed plan will not impact drainage. <br />13. The proposed plan will not impact population density. <br />14. The proposed plan is not expected to increase the visual impact since the tower is already <br />in place and the additional antennas would add minimal bulk to the structure. Additional <br />antennas or changing antenna locations should not impact the surrounding property <br />values. <br />15. Park dedications are not applicable. <br />16. The proposed CUP amendment does not conflict with the general purpose and intent of <br />the Zoning Code or the Comprehensive Development Plan for the City. <br />Notice <br />Notice was published in the Arden Hills/Shoreview Bulletin and notice was prepared by the City <br />and mailed to residents within three -hundred fifty (350) feet of the subject property. <br />Public Comments <br />The City has not received any comments from the public regarding this project prior to the <br />release of this report. <br />Staff Recommendation <br />If the Planning Commission recommends approval of Planning Case 09-023, staff recommends <br />including the following seven conditions: <br />1. Within 45 days of approval of this permit, all antennas not in active use shall be <br />removed from the tower. <br />2. Within 45 days of approval the applicant shall submit after -the -fact building permits, <br />supporting information, and fees as required by the Building Official for any antennas <br />without valid permits issued by the City. <br />3. A Conditional Use Permit shall be drafted by the City Attorney and signed by the <br />applicant. <br />City of Arden Hills <br />Planning Commission Meeting for February 3, 2010 <br />IlMetro-inet.usWrdenhillsOanningOanning Cases 12009109-023 Refiling Tower Zoning and CUP Amendment (Pending)102-03-10 - <br />_PC Report _-_Reding Tower CUP Amendmentl.doe page 8 of 9 <br />