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Filing & Information Requirements <br />The City requests that you make a pre -application meeting with the City Planner to discuss the application <br />process, requirements, and deadlines. Unless waived by the City Planner or Planning Commission, a certified <br />survey of the property is required for all applications. The Planning Commission and/or City Council may still <br />require a certified survey. A checklist for other required information is also available. <br />Complete/Incomplete Applications <br />An incomplete application will delay the processing of land use requests. The application approval time <br />commences and an application is considered officially filed when the City Planner has received and examined <br />the application and determined that the application is complete. A decision on whether the application is <br />complete or incomplete shall be made within fifteen (15) working days following the submittal of the application. <br />When the application is deemed to be "complete" it shall be placed on the agenda of the first possible Planning <br />Commission meeting provided that all required public notices have been sent and published. <br />Payment of Fees <br />The undersigned acknowledges that she/he understands that before a land use application can be deemed <br />complete, all required information and fees (including all deposits) must be paid to the City. If additional fees <br />are required to cover costs incurred by the City, the City Planner has the right to require additional payment from <br />one or more of the undersigned, who shall be jointly liable for such fees. Such expenses may include (but are <br />not limited to) direct city payroll and overhead costs, fees paid to consultants and other professionals, and the <br />cost of printing, mailing, and supplies. The City may withhold final action on a land use application, withhold <br />building permits, and/or rescind prior action until all miscellaneous fees have been paid. Applicants are advised <br />that an escrow deposit is required at the time of the submittal of the land use application to offset costs <br />associated with the proposed project. Unused portions of an escrow are returned to the applicant upon <br />successful implementation of an approved plan. <br />Notice of Meeting Attendance <br />In order for the Planning Commission and the City Council to consider any application, the applicant or a <br />designated representative must be present at the scheduled meeting. If not, the matter may be tabled until the <br />next available agenda. <br />Revised; 12-16-08 <br />Page 2 of 3 <br />