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ARDEN HILLS CITY COUNCIL—January 11, 2010 17 <br /> 7.C. Withdraw the City's Application from the Municipal Agreement Program and <br /> Direct Staff to Continue to Work with Mn/DOT to Pursue a Bridge Improvement <br /> Project at County Road E/TH SI that Includes Pedestrian Accommodations <br /> (continued) <br /> Parks and Recreation Manager Olson stated the Met Council will be meeting <br /> February 17 to determine which projects will receive funding for Option 2. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga stated the total was about $1,000,000 and 20% is the City's <br /> match. <br /> Councilmember Holmes stated in Option 4 the City and County would front the <br /> funds for the project. She asked if the County is interested in this option. <br /> Parks and Recreation Manager Olson stated the County has not been asked at <br /> this time if they would be interested in this option. <br /> Councilmember Grant stated under Option 4 the City could apply the STP <br /> money, if this allowed, to the bridge and this would $850,000. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked if the City knew that the Met Council would <br /> approve this use of the funds. <br /> Civil Engineer Giga stated if the intent of the application is met then the Met <br /> Council would likely be open to modifications. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked why the County would be interested in assisting <br /> the City in building this bridge. <br /> Mr. Marc Goess, North Area Engineer with Mn/DOT, stated the County would be <br /> open to this option because they currently maintain this bridge and anything to <br /> potentially reduce those costs would interest them. If the City brought money to <br /> the project they would be interested. The money that the City could get through the <br /> STP process is Federal dollars so State dollars could be used as the local match for <br /> those federal dollars. <br /> Councilmember Holmes asked for clarification on what Mr. Goess was referring <br /> to as State dollars. <br />